~Chat Dominatrix~

As I go through all the rooms and forums chatting and reading all the post from the *real* chatters, complaining of the people impostering, people not being *real*, the lies and the hurt, and so on. I have to ask myself, and now ask you, why the lack of *picture pages in these rooms*? Why no pics of these *real* chatters? Is it a lack of trust, lack of self confidence, or just lack of a good site to steal a pic from?


Stolen Public Post:What kinda jail am I going to? An American one where I can have a free education, three square meals a day, fresh clothing, and internet access, or one in another country where I'll live in a squalid 3 foot by 3 foot cell and get whipped whenever I want to?

Stolen forum Post:I think that when people have relationships on the net they should be kept personal...and if you really like someone enough to have relationship with them you should respect that relationship by not discussing it with others except to say that you enjoyed them!

ChathouseNews:HTML is now being added to non-registered floors, just rich text, no images. And for those of you who haven't been on the East wing in awhile, your in for a surprise! They have ROOM WARS *role-playing mind you*, remodeling, and new rooms. The place really looks great!

Now, last week I submitted my opinion of the Cloud 10, but I think I need to point out two things: The 1st this is, that I couldn't stand to be in that room longer then 5 mins. due to the fact it was java (real-time chat), and some kids were clicking *enter* repeatedly and as fast as they could, making it impossible to read anything being posted by anyone.

The ChathouseNews comment on this was: We are soon going to update it again, and that problem should be corrected!
So to the ONE chatter that emailed upset about my slamming the room, email me back when that is fixed and I'll gladly stop by again! ~S~
The 2nd thing I needed to point out is, I am not the editor of the Ezine, I am simply someone who has offered my wonderful opinion on what matters the most or even the least to those reading ~S~ and may I add, you ain't seen nothing yet ~WG~

Weekly Quote: When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


Featured Chatter


Handles that you chat under: Royal Wizardess, Wizå®d€§§™, or just Wizardess if I'm feeling lazy, Wizzy (sometimes you'll see things added to that, such as PISSED!!! or such *L*), Ariana™ was an alias I used for incogs, as well as £una™ (when I'm tired), YellowSnowMonster (can't fit the whole thing in on the ID for chat's though *pouts* so in there it'll normally just be Snow Monster, she normally only comes out in the winter though), Stinky the Skunk is known to accompany me, as well as Cyber Wizzy™, so beware... *WEG*

How did you decide on the handle (s)?: Um, originally when I first came in, I was Wizard, I was just sitting there, trying to come up with something to call myself, I hadn't ever chatted before. I looked over at an e-mail from my aunt, and part of her addy has Wizard in it, so I decided it was a cool name and used it, I got confused for a guy a lot, and on the advice of Nikki™, I changed it to WizardESS, and here I be today. *S* Though, I still get a few morons who ask whether I'm male of female, sorta like asking Texas Storm where she's from. *L*

Location: In my bed on my lap top. *L* In my room. In Eureka, California.

Information on chatting {How long have you been chatting and which rooms do you normally chat in, etc.}: I've been chatting for about... *trying to remember* Geez, how old was I when I started... I think I was 15 so... I've been chatting for almost 4 years, and I originated in Joe's Diner, did a lot of chatting in Windy City for a while, and ran to a lot of diff rooms back in the day, but Joe's has always been home base, though Windy City is of course, my turf, since I AM a member of the WCBS (Windy City Bitch Society). Haven't really been anywhere else in a while.

Age and Zodiac Sign: I'm 18 (19 on July 26th so you still have time to get some good shopping in *hint* *hint* *hint* *LMAO*) I'm a Leo. GRRRRRR *L*

Marital Status: Single and ready to mingle. *L* And DON'T take that to mean I wanna cyber *eyeballing all potential cyber pervs*

Kids: None that I know of thank God! *L* I think I'm gonna wait a while for that one.

Pets: 4 horses (Lady, Justin, Indy, and Filly), 4 dogs (Princess, Callie, Ebony, and Shadow), 4 cats (Jet, Mink, Birm, and Chewy), a bird (Teddy), and some fish.

Profession {If in school, Profession that you plan to go into}: I'm currently in college, but I'm still undecided as to what I wanna be. *thinking* When I decide, you guys will be
the first to find out. *S*

Hobbies and Interests: Horseback riding is my big one. I've shown horses for about 7 years, last year I won the state show, I still can't believe that one though. I retired my show horse (Indy) after that (he's got arthritis and we were gonna retire no matter what, but it was a big plus that he got to retire the state champion). Now I'm focusing on gymkhana. That's like barrel racing, pole bending, stuff like that. It's a lot of fun. I also am into running, though I've been pretty lazy for a while... I've done cross country for 5 years (long distance running). Ummm... I like all kinds of things, outdoors stuff is great, but at the same time, nothing beats kicking back and gettin in a good ole fashioned Joe's Diner food fight. *ggls* < br>
Music Preferences: I don't like country! Or 80's music. Other than that, I like lot's of stuff. I'm not real into the ghetto rap, some of it is good. I like lot's of things though, from Limp Bizkit, to Nsync. I've gotta say, that one of the best bands is still Sublime. They will always be great. And I love my Weezer CD.

Pet Peeves *L*: PERVS IN MY PM!!! I really get irritated by stupid people. You know the kind, they don't think anything of merging into you, even though you can't get over because there are cars next to you, behind you, and in front of you. THEY don't care, they just pull right on in. Or they'll ask you the same thing everytime they see you. Or they'll ask you if they can have some of your chips when you are walking out of the market!!! (happened to me last night, couldn't believe it) AHHH!!! Those people make me so MAD! It's time's like that that I wish I could zap people IRL.

A favorite Motto or Quote to live by: I guess just live every day to it's fullest. For cross country though, we'd always write "Pain is temporary. Pride is forever". It helped us focus past the pain and keep going, cuz if you've never run a long distance race, let me tell you, it HURTS! Your lungs are on fire, you legs are burning, but when it's over... You feel so good because you know you've actually accomplished something.

Anything else that you'd like people to know about you? *S*: Umm... Can't really think of anything.

Changes or improvements that you'd like to see at the Chathouse™: Just that I hope that some of the bickering and stuff ends. I haven't really seen much lately, hopefully it's all over, because I hate it when people leave. *remembering a few who are gone for good* Later all! Oh, one more thing, *zaps Rider in the bum* That one's for you Ocey *G* L8r

Thoughts Of An Angel

"Knowing when to Stand"

Often times we find ourselves in the predicament of wanting to voice our opinions about things sometimes little and sometimes not..I often find myself biting my tongue cause I want to say ALOT... but ya gotta know when to stand and what your standing for...sometimes just putting your voice out there doesnt do anything but make the noise louder and the problems bigger...its one thing to fight for your believes but yet another to fight for what you believe to be truths when in all actuality they are your opinions ...my point being take the time to sit and think before you stand and shout...we all have to do our part to make our world, cyber or real, a peaceful place *S* take care and hae a great week *S
Michigan Storm™

Do you remember your anonymous mock elections in high school? You know, most likely to do something? Well we've got our own style mock elections here *EG*. The results of the first "election" will be posted on June 25th, giving you two weeks to tell me what you think!!! There will be a reminder of some sort in the next issue, so please.. PLEASE... email me at ch_zine@hotmail.com and know this:: ALL VOTES AND EMAILS ON THIS WILL REMAIN ANONYMOUS... I WILL NOT SHARE THE ADDY'S OR NAMES OF THOSE WHO WRITE WITH ANYONE. PERIOD. Other things have come to me anonymously and still remain as such, this will be NO different. *S* At the end of all the elections all results will be posted in one issue *S*, so even when the results are posted in the June 25th issue, you can continue to vote... Any questions email me. *L*

And the first "elections" is:::

Of ALL the chatters you know, even if they are from different rooms, who do you think would make the best couple?

Of ALL the chatters you know, even if they are from different rooms, who do you think would make the oddest couple?

AND OF COURSE, keep in mind, this is entirely done in fun!!!!!!
OK once again, I did not get the featured sites section done due to appointments, two jobs, niece and nephew *L* and of course my dog too. I mean, hell I may as well spread the blame around as much as possible. SOOOO I guess I'll take this opportunity to use my editorial power LMAO *RE* and be a page plug whore or whatever KoRn Queen calls it LMAO. So....

I, Michigan Storm™, have a few sites *BAS*, but the one I'll share with you all today is my background site. It has a few sets, some borders and some tiles of course. I'm not real experienced at this, and was horrible at it when I began but now it's a little better. Please check it out, sign my book expecially if you use something so I can visit it *L*. The url is http://www.geocities.com/playgroundkeeper.

NOW I promise, I swear to all that is mighty *glancing at the lightening outside*, that I WILL have the featured sites next week.. MANY OF THEM *LOL*.

IF YOU OR anyone you know would like to be notified by email when the zine is posted each week please send your email address to ch_zine@hotmail.com and just say NOTIFY ME in the subject so I know and you will be added to our ANONYMOUS mailing list *S*.